Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to Accept a Gift Graciously

Remember that graciousness is part manners, part compassion.

Smile and say thank you, no matter how odd, ugly or wrong the gift is. A sincere show of appreciation is the only appropriate response.

Hold the sweater up to yourself and tell Aunt Bess how perfect it is for your trip to Cape Cod. Open the book and gush over the pictures. Put the frame on the mantel and "ooh" and "ahh."

Let the giver know how you might use a gift of money. "Oh, Gran, now I can finish art school," "I'm off to Istanbul" or "Here's my new car."

Live with the gift and learn to love it if it's engraved, monogrammed, specially made or specially ordered.

Keep in mind that something like an engagement ring might be difficult to exchange, but it's not always impossible. Be as diplomatic as humanly possible.

Talk to the giver in private if the gift is too expensive, too sexy or not suitable to the occasion or your relationship. Never discuss such things in public.

Write a more effusive thank-you card for a more special gift. In public, however, every gift gets equal time.

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